This section of the Somnambulist Society website is currently under development. Please note that revisions are underway.
State Representation
Psychology and our writ of habeas corpus:
The traditional structures within our justice system have historically had a very difficult time integrating psychological thought into their practices. What we hope to accomplish with this website is to find a way to help reorient this structure so deeper insights can be communicated more effectively.
Other parts of this website address the evolution of thought from the enlightenment era, but many different philosophers have also addressed the issue with regards to the history of social institutions and their struggle to understand the human psyche. Psychology historians like Thomas Szasz argued that the myth of mental madness evolved out of our misunderstanding of the human condition and sought to examine social institutions with regards to the mal adaptive strategies of humans rather than viewing psychological disorders as byproducts of biological diseases. Philosophers like Michel Foucault even examined the human condition in relation to the history of ideas and their struggle to gain traction within institutions of power and social control. Communicating the boundaries between human rights and the freedoms of associative thought has taken many forms and has struggled with many different form of social justification schemes and have been very difficult to parse out across state boundaries as dispute settlement mechanisms gradually began to emerge, but what we have seen in a more general sense is the expungement of uncertain metaphysical ideas and uncertain forms of representation within the state – which can often take the form of logical positivism or even landed nobility.
What this project hopes to accomplish is to set up pathways of communication so that reforms can take place and so that deeper insights can be gleaned from the current state of our understanding of the human condition in relation to the larger picture of our social struggles all across the world. The case of the author’s struggle against this background of expulsory forms of thinking is emblematic of the struggles within the legal system and general social thought that most people are acquainted with. However, there is broad general consensus under the surface of these institutions that the human psyche is much more wide ranging than traditional models of thought are accustomed to accept, and this breaking of traditional thought is making its way towards the surface of social activity in ways that merit deeper social analysis.
Examining the ways that the human condition interacts with the apparatus of the state is something that bears a lot of responsibility when thinking about the history of the enlightenment era in relation to the witch trials, and the history of psychoanalysis in relation to the history of statecraft. Social justification structure make a huge difference when examining victims of the holocaust for signs of biological disorders, rather than mal adaptive disorders. It is not anyone’s position to state that anyone is deserving of punishment with regards to any form of disability, or lack thereof. However, it has to be noted that there is no way for any legal system or epistemological system to assert that eugenics, race theory, or even the holocaust are justifiable based off of biology or any form of pharmacological way of thinking. There simply is no way to limit the human condition to deterministic physical processes, and there is no way for any of these attempted forms of justification to survive a more enlightened society.
What we are proposing to do with this project is to break down the remnants of these more limiting forms of physical forms of representation by opening up more debate about what the human psyche is capable of and by introducing petitions which will help to reform the legal and psychological systems. We have already seen that the introduction of psychology to the legal system has seen some drastic and devastating results, and as a result of that psychology has had a very troubled relationship with the legal system even though it is very deeply rooted and entrenched within it. We may not even notice all of the places where psychology interacts with the apparatus of the state, but it is worth noting that the psychological arm of the state has typically found a home within every form of institutional administration in its efforts to push back against various forms of deviancy – which might otherwise be seen as anti-traditional rebelliousness or even liberation-based activities depending on which side of the aisle you are on.
This is not to say that any of the petitions that this project hopes to inspire are rebellious or deviant in nature, but it is important to empower people to open up their mind to broader ways of thinking which can help to reform the state and its representation of the collective human condition. The mind’s eye and the expressiveness of the human psyche has not always been easy to represent within society or the sciences of the state but a broader look at what is possible can help us get past some of the stigmas and stereotypes that often plague our psychological and legal systems of thought.
The mores of psychological analysis have not often been easy to assess or even address within private practice models of expression, but the way that psychology interacts with the legal system gives us a vantage point for reforms and evaluative models to emerge. It has been historically difficult to overtly introduce psychology into the criminal justice system, since crimes are based off of tangible facts rather than circumstances of the mind, but the author’s experience with the criminal justice system is emblematic of the difficulties that psychology presents to the legal framing of criminal activity. It is not considered a crime to have any form of mental disability, but the state has had a history of confusing the issue of whether or not having a disability makes you eligible to stand trial or even eligible to be considered criminally culpable for illicit forms of activity.
Much more could be said about the confusion of terms and the confusion of circumstances that psychology brings to criminal evaluations, but the author has provided a copy of his writ of habeas corpus in order to more fully evaluate the confusions that are occurring within the legal system so that broader reforms can take place. What this website hopes to accomplish is to petition the legal framing of the human condition so that the psyche can more freely express itself within a more humane and just framing of our social condition.
This writ of habeas corpus works to establish precedent by evaluating standards and proposing the possibility of reform. There will be an upcoming petition for reforms within the criminal justice system that will help to address problematic standards within the DSM psychological evaluative model in the near future that readers can sign onto, as well.
Moving forward towards a broader Congressional committee:
In terms of how psychology interacts with the administrative arm of the state, it should be noted that the intelligence industry has a long history of expunging deviants from our communities with back door methods that run parallel with the psychological arm of the state – much like the Spanish Inquisition. The justice system is rife with loopholes and struggles with authority that the intelligence agency has taken advantage of for some time now, and the author of this paper may not have direct proof that agents of espionage have attempted to use counter intelligence procedures against him but it is important to gather momentum from the above mentioned petition in order to open up a much broader investigation into the operations of intelligence agencies.
With enough support it may be possible to submit a congressional complaint in order to establish a congressional investigation into the activities of wayward intelligence operatives who run afoul of more broadly recognized social standards in their efforts to expel unwanted activists and political figures through corrupt procedures.
It is the ambition of this website to establish the precedent for a new congressional oversight investigation into delinquent intelligence operations, much like the Church Committee from years prior, which the reader will find worth of review: read here.
Please follow up and support the cause with everything you can, and reach out to the website with the contact information below.
Stay up to date:
Check back for more information about the upcoming petition to reform state legal systems, and information on an upcoming congressional complaint letter for readers to sign onto.